Wrap Your Mind Around This: LRS Reef Frenzy® Is Getting Even Better

by | Dec 12, 2014 | Equipment, Fish, Industry, Science | 0 comments


Now, the two top fish foods are under one roof.

get-attachment-1.aspxScreen Shot 2014-12-12 at 1.47.39 PMStay with me, guys. Every now and then a product comes along that blows all of the others out of the water (literally, in this case) and sets the bar at a seemingly impossible height. When it comes to fish food, this past year brought us face to face with Larry’s Reef Services and their Reef Frenzy®, a handcrafted frozen food that is simply untouchable in the realm of quality.

As if the fish couldn’t get enough , aquarists and hobbyists created their own frenzy around the food, praising it’s ability to entice even the finickiest feeders. Reef Frenzy® became an international craze, converting even the most skeptical skeptics in a single use. So what’s the latest news from LRS? They’ve taken that bar we discussed and they’ve raised it.

Larry’s Reef Services is now an authorized nationwide distributor for premium PE Mysis®. I had a little word with the mastermind of LRS, Larry DuPont, to allow him to give us his word on this exciting news.

On Thursday December 11th Larry’s Reef Services, LLC (LRS) announced we became national wholesale distributors for Piscine Energetics®, commonly known in the hobby as PE Mysis®. You may be thinking “Why would Larry want to sell another fish food product when Reef Frenzy is so popular?”  LRS has used PE Mysis® shrimp extensively and found PE to be an excellent compliment to our blended food products. During my travels over the past year I discovered that everyone from hobbyists to public aquaria were feeding PE Mysis® and LRS, often at the same time in a 50/50 ratio. Many of the 200+ stocking LRS dealers explained that LRS and PE Mysis® where their customers two favorite frozen aquarium foods.

It dawned on me that it could be extremely helpful to our stocking retail store owners if they could source LRS and PE Mysis® from one supplier with one low shipping cost. Our dealers are already ordering on a regular basis, so why not toss in as many packs of PE® as they need in the same cooler?  LRS is located very close to a dry ice manufacturer and one of the largest foam shipping cooler distributors in the US. This enables us to offer low cost shipping, but with superior packaging so the food arrives frozen solid which prevents thawing and degrading. Our goal is to support the independent store owners by helping them obtain the freshest, highest quality aquarium foods without the hassles of high minimum orders as often required from larger distributors. LRS provides foods to many aquarium stores and maintenance companies so by stocking the complete line of PE Mysis® products we can offer the retail store PE Mysis® cubes, as well as ship the 40 oz slabs of Mysis shrimp to facilities needing to feed larger amounts.

LRS Foods® is a family owned and operated business and we are thankful to our fans and supporters who have enabled us to grow to serve the needs of the hobby. We are looking forward to an exciting 2015 and are grateful for the opportunity Piscine Energetics® has provided us to serve their customers as well as ours.

Larry doesn’t stop there, he’s got another little stocking stuffer up his sleeve for us to make feeding LRS even easier – The LRS Strainer Cup – an ingenious little contraption that allows for easy cleaning without the mess. The nifty acrylic strainer is four inches in diameter and can also be flipped over to serve as a cutting board to break up any larger pieces of food for your small fish, making it a one-stop-shop for prep.

Larry explained that through conversations with the President of PE Mysis®, Nuri Fisher, he learned that rinsing PE Mysis® under high pressure running water often crushes the delicate exoskeleton which can cause the beneficial nutrients inside the shrimp to be flushed away. The LRS strainer cup designed by NextReef Systems is a non-aggressive way to gently separate the mysis shrimp from the water used to thaw them out for those who wish to do so. The initial run of 400+ should arrive around Christmas and be sent to LRS stocking stores for retail sale.

If you haven’t tried any of the LRS products, you should probably get on that. All the cool kids are doing it.


  • I'm a New York Reef Enthusiast and Fish Nerd, amateur photographer, dog lover, beer brewer/drinker, cocktail mixer, semi-seasoned chef, Prosecco Indulging, lightly foul-mouthed, slightly antagonistic, sorta-artistic, wordy bookworm of a girl. Dog mommy of three, an Abyssinian dubbed "Mau", plus one Dwarf Cuttlefish and a few Clarions. I have a tattoo of an Octopus with flowers on my rear. I ride my bike to the beach and sip bourbon with a good (reef) book while watching the waves. I like to think I'm witty and charming - but I'll let you decide.

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