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Experienced Reefer
Found it. It is a Crown Conch egg case. I have several of these conch's in my refigum. I just can not believe that they could lay something so large. This egg case is larger then any of the conch's I have. To see a photo of the proud mother, hit the link in my first post and you will see a photo of her.



I've seen that somewhere as a kid--i think it's an egg casing. although my mind keeps coming back to horseshoe crab, i'm not sure that's right. can't quite grasp it. maybe more coffee power is the answer.


Experienced Reefer
Ok!! My refugum has become a sleazy motel for conchs. Last night I saw 2 of my conchs locked together. Well I woke up to another string of egg sacks. I now have 3 separate sets of eggs. This is getting out of control. Does anyone have any info on Crown Conchs so I know if this is going to be a threat?


Advanced Reefer
If the young did make it to adult hood i'm shure many here would be interested in a baby conch
(me included)

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