Help! I have one fish in my reef tank (Royal Gramma) and he seems to be having the worst luck... At first I found the salt grains (ich) on him, LFS told me ride it out as long as he eats and breathes ok. No problem, ich gone for now (I'm sure it will be back). Problem now is there are these tiny flat things on his sides, eyes, and head that are almost completely clear but in the right light can see them attached to him w/ one end and making this weird ripple motion along his body. There is one on his side that is about as long as the lo in long. Others on eyes, etc. are much smaller. He can't stop "itching" himself on my live rock. I've been told adding garlic based medication to food can help w/ ich but my question is: Anyone know what these new parasites are and will the garlic in the food help w/ those also? Don't have many medication options as I have four live corals, a peppermint shrimp, and 3 scarlet hermits. Any help you all can give will be greatly appreciated!
P.S. - could they be flukes?
P.S. - could they be flukes?