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Experienced Reefer
hey all, first time posting. sorry no photo but I am finding an incredible amount of these little green slugs that look more like catapillers. They have cartoon style googly eyes and 2 ruffled flaps on their back. I am just curious if these guys are bad or good for my reef tank. thanks in advance.


Advanced Reefer

Sounds like a sacoglossan slug. I'm a little perplexed by the cartoon eyes --what do you mean by that?

Try to look up online images of sacoglossans like Elysia sp., which have paired 'wings' or 'flaps' (parapodia) on their backs ranging from flat simplicity to ruffled confusion.

Sacoglossans are herbivores, and are actually sought after by aquarists with problem algae.



Advanced Reefer
Oh, I forgot.

There's some confusion, taxonomically speaking, with sacoglossans these days.

Try doing an online search not just on 'Elysia' but on the (obsolete) Genus 'Tridachia' as well.

Have fun



Experienced Reefer
Thanks guys. I really wasnt so much interested in exactly what type of slugs they are, time will answer that. I just wanted to make sure they werent going to devour my corals.


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