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Anyone ever seen one of these hermit type crabs before? If so what is it's name? I got 3 of them at the LFS.


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Advanced Reefer
Bob, it's tough to tell since the photo is a bit dark. Any chance of getting a brighter image, closer hopo preferably?


I saw him the other day out of his shell a little bit and his legs are black and yellow striped. I hope this helps in IDing it....


Advanced Reefer
Maybe its this guy:

Two species of hermit crabs - the yellow footed hermit crab Clibanarius virescens and the striped- leg hermit Clibanarius taeniatus - are common on the rocky foreshores of Central Queensland. They can be seen in shallow tide pools and perched on boulders and rocks in the mid and low intertidal areas. Usually, they occupy more than 95% of the 'empty' snail shells available.

Preliminary observations indicate that the relative numbers of the two species vary according to the amount of freshwater run-off in the area. Stripped-leg hermit crabs appear to be more numerous near estuaries and storm water drains while yellow-footed hermit crabs are more numerous away from the influence of fresh water.


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