Here he is, use my mangled thumbnail for scale. I thought his claw might be a distinguishing characteristic. He's been in my tank for over a year now....I'm guessing he's no good. Whaddya think?
IMO, there are no truly reef-safe crabs...I've even heard of emerald crabs eating zoanthids or softies when very hungry. The only crabs I used to think were reef-safe were emeralds and sally lightfoots. Now I hear about sallys eating snails and shrimp and emeralds snacking on corals?...... It's kind of like those Asterina starfish (those 6 armed, pinkie nail sized grey stars that asexually reproduce all over your reef tank) that are possible coral grazers when hungry.
I think I'd rather remove any crab than decide whether it's good or bad. Odds are that it's BAD, yeah?