I Idefix Reefer Nov 17, 2003 #1 Hi there, I found this little "hair" crab in my Acropora SPS coral. I know there are good guys but also bad guys around that eat the SPS corals...... What is this guy? Should I remove him ? Attachments crab 2 - low res.jpg 26.3 KB · Views: 1,013
Hi there, I found this little "hair" crab in my Acropora SPS coral. I know there are good guys but also bad guys around that eat the SPS corals...... What is this guy? Should I remove him ?
P paats Experienced Reefer Nov 23, 2003 #3 Everything I`ve read says hairy crabs are a bad thing.I`d dump him.
A Algae Blenny Active Reefer Nov 26, 2003 #4 It could be an acro crab, but they are often colorful. If its a crab and its black, throw it back.