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HI, new here.

I have a 90 gallon with a very small fish load, 29 gallon sump about 175 pounds of live rock and a sandbed between 5" to an inch where my sally lightfoot crab excavated it.

Tank is about 9 months old. Recently several what I assumed were odd features of the live rock turned out to be living bivalves of some sort, with kinda pinkish insides and little frilly bits that go outside of the shell when they are filtering.

I have no idea exactly what they are, and am rather surprised it took about 8 months for them to open.

I've tried to find pics of clam type hitch hikers but haven't had alot of luck.



Welcome to reefs.org, Rachel. I would try a general Google search first, and also take your own pics of these things. Then, try our library and Advanced Aquarist database, and last, but not least, http://www.wetwebmedia.com (though there's no way to access our full compliment of pics hosted unless you have the exact name of said pic). The photo base on wetweb is hugemongous, with literally tens of thousands of pics still awaiting assessment, scanning, and d/l onto our poor server!

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