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This little crab, no bigger than a pencil eraser, hitched in on a piece of rock.

I had seen him several times in the last month and now I see him every day because he has taken to an orange tree sponge.

I have the opportunity to get rid of him, but my wife likes him and she doesn't want me to take him out. She says it's not the crabs fault he got dragged into this, now he should get a decent home. She thinks that I can catch him if he becomes a problem and that it will take him a very long time to grow big enough to start killing things.

I know it'll be many months before that crab is even the size of a hermit, but he worries the heck out of me and I have this anoying feeling that if I don't get rid of him while I can, I'll regret it.

Should I get rid of him, or name him and let him stay? :?


I would get it out of the main tank and if you want to keep it put it in your sump or fuge if you have one.


Advanced Reefer
Jeez...I feel for you...that's how I got *into* marine fish. My g/f saw a yellow backed damsel at Petco (I know..I know) that was the 'runt'
Had 1/2 her fin nipped off and only one eye. I turn around and next thing I know she's coming up with this fish in a bag. I had to take a crash course in marine fish the hard way...we actually started her off in a 2.5 gal Minibow. She's since been upgraded to her Eclipse2 tank with a Cinnamon clown and some hermits for friends. She's not *that* bad of a bully and her fin has regrown in just fine. Never any problems with her eye and she has probably tripled in size...about as big around as an Ike dollar and fairly chubby :)
Anyway, I'm glad we got her (Priscilla) but I make sure she's policed on our visits to the LFS!!!

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