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Advanced Reefer
Just picked up a small chunk of LR with some nice mushrooms on it and noticed last night that coming out of a small hole in the rock were 5-7 slim reddish colored 'tentacles' that were picking up the sand and some detritus and pulling to the opening. They almost look like barnacle tentacles, but the hole they're issuing from is only 1-2 mm in diameter.
The tentacles aren't feathery and they can extend quite a ways out (about 1/2") 8O
Any clues what it could be?
We also noticed a very very small, shrimp about 1/8" -- doesn't look like a mysis but like a miniature cleaner -- what are his chances with a Damselfish and a Clown? I'd think not very high.
Last thing (I know..long and winded..that's me) -- My g/f bought me new lights for the tank..I've replaced the 2 Eclipse tubes with a Corallife 10k and a Corallife 03 Actinic -- with the mushrooms, will this be enough light or should I return the bulbs and get a retrofit for a PC? LFS has one specially made for the Eclipse for $75 that I was thinking of...don't want to spend the $$ if I don't need to though.
Ok! that's enough for this thread....Thanks in advance for all replies!!



JUst a guess based on the discriptions I would say the first is a medusa worm or spagatti worm. AFAIK benficial. THe others are probably some sort of pod. A small crustation also, benifical.


Advanced Reefer
If the tentacles are fairly symmetric (e.g. they all look the same size, more or less), other possibilities include a filter-feeding sea cucumber (see Jandree's post for a beautiful pic) or just a bristlestar.

Your tiny shrimp could be a fully grown (or nearly fully grown) amphipod.

Mushrooms are very light tolerant (or low light tolerant). Try posting that as a separate question over in general discussion or new reefkeepers. Be sure to also include in your question your water parameters, size and age of tank, size of lights, etc.

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