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New Reefer
Ok after reading about the dreaded "Red Bugs" I looked in my tank and noticed a bunch of stuff in my tank that kinda looks like them, but I do not think is them.

The things in my tank seem bigger and I don't have any Acropora coral. These things are squareish and yellow with red trim. They also are about 1/16in in size.

I have attached a link to some pictures...



New Reefer

That is it. Thanks for the speedy reply. If you get a chance could you look at picture one again and tell me what that white caterpillar thing might be?


Where am I supposed to be looking? :)
If it's the first picture and the white elongated critter on the glass in the mid to upper left hand side I can't tell by that picture. Does it have a shell or not?

David Mohr

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