A friend gave me about 100lbs of Samoan live rock that has been dried out for over a year while stacked in a pile on his back patio. Most of the rock has very nice shapes and is bleached out pretty white. Can I place this old rock along with couple of powerheads in a large container with new corraline covered live rock and a couple of powerheads to seed the old live rock with corraline? Or just put it all together in the new tank and give it time? Any ideas :?
A friend gave me about 100lbs of Samoan live rock that has been dried out for over a year while stacked in a pile on his back patio. Most of the rock has very nice shapes and is bleached out pretty white. Can I place this old rock along with couple of powerheads in a large container with new corraline covered live rock and a couple of powerheads to seed the old live rock with corraline? Or just put it all together in the new tank and give it time? Any ideas :?