So, several weeks ago I noticed some clear egg-looking things on my tank glass. I was meaning to take a picture and sort of put it off. Then I noticed that the specks inside were multiplying, which seemed odd in eggs. So, I snapped a couple of shots. Both of these are from up right next to the water surface (and therefore close to the light), and right next to a long-tentacle leather who went crazy, climbed out onto the glass, climbed right up to the surface, lost all his nice brown colour, and has been living there for half a year now. However, none of these factors seem to be related to the egg things because I also have a grouping in the darkest corner of my tank, down near the bottom, not near any other animals or plants. The only thing the two groupings have in common environmentally is that they're both on the tank glass. But, obviously, this would make them easy to see; so there may be some all over the tank on rocks and stuff which I just can't make out.
Anyway, the first one is the whole grouping and the fsecond one is an attempt to get a closer shot. Oh, the actual size of these guys is about 2 millimeters in diameter.
So, several weeks ago I noticed some clear egg-looking things on my tank glass. I was meaning to take a picture and sort of put it off. Then I noticed that the specks inside were multiplying, which seemed odd in eggs. So, I snapped a couple of shots. Both of these are from up right next to the water surface (and therefore close to the light), and right next to a long-tentacle leather who went crazy, climbed out onto the glass, climbed right up to the surface, lost all his nice brown colour, and has been living there for half a year now. However, none of these factors seem to be related to the egg things because I also have a grouping in the darkest corner of my tank, down near the bottom, not near any other animals or plants. The only thing the two groupings have in common environmentally is that they're both on the tank glass. But, obviously, this would make them easy to see; so there may be some all over the tank on rocks and stuff which I just can't make out.
Anyway, the first one is the whole grouping and the fsecond one is an attempt to get a closer shot. Oh, the actual size of these guys is about 2 millimeters in diameter.