Advanced Reefer
I bought some live rock from the gulf of mexico near florida recently and I've found at least 3 of these things in my rock. To me they look a lot like cirolanid isopods, is this enough detail to get a positive ID? This is the absolute best my macro mode on my camera could do, this guy was 1/3" of an inch long max.
Their behavior is that they basically stick about 1/3 to 2/3 of the way out of a hole in the LR and sit there, sometimes for up to 10-20 minutes. I've only observed them off the rock once and it was just swimming to a new rock, I've never seen them graze anything.
I have no fish in the tank, so I'm not worried about that.
Their behavior is that they basically stick about 1/3 to 2/3 of the way out of a hole in the LR and sit there, sometimes for up to 10-20 minutes. I've only observed them off the rock once and it was just swimming to a new rock, I've never seen them graze anything.
I have no fish in the tank, so I'm not worried about that.