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I found a new critter in my 4 week old tank. It looks like a small (3/8") starfish with six stubby legs. It is white, mobile, nearly round with six obvious "points," and seems to cruise around one piece of rock.

Any ideas?


Sounds like a species of Asterina, a mostly herbivorous sea star.

David Mohr


Advanced Reefer
Dido. I have hundreds of them. From time to time you YOU WILL SEE THEM doing what will apear to be eating at a sick coral. Theyare infact eating at it. BUT they are NOT eating live tissue. They only eat dead or decaying tissue (not to say that is all they eat, just to say that when they are on your corals munching at them thats what they are eating). They help your tank and coral out GREATLY by doing this. WIth the infected or dead tissue eaten away infection wont set in any further and your corals will grow over the area withnew tissue.
IF you notice any that have SEVEN leggs with TWO of them being REALY long and resemble vampire teeth they are true coral eaters and you want to remove them ASAP!

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