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Experienced Reefer
hi david...you've been very good with id'ing before so i was hopeing you could id this litle baby?
only appears at night and a british reef forum has been tossing up ideas of what it is?

some say aiptasia as usual but i dont think it's that.
another member says Orange Ball Anemone (Pseudocorynactis) but the 'balls' are transparent?

the tanks owner says "When it's closed it quite ball like but when it's open it's very neat symetrical ring & the tenticles are straight with en end like a cue's mouth."

any thoughts?
:roll: :D

(best piccy i can get sorry)


  • nocturnal2.jpg
    202.3 KB · Views: 2,454


Advanced Reefer
not aiptstia. Some sort of anemone though (dugh) hmmm.. not so much a photosenthethic type (as it appears clear)

i donno!
imagine that!



Tough to tell from that picture but from your description of it coming out only at night, it would appear to be a species of Pseudocornyactis.

David Mohr


Yup. There are many different species, not necessarily with the orange balls.

Lorraine Vavra

Active Reefer
Wandered across this thread while finally IDing the little volunteers in my tank. The rock came out of a 30 gallon I had for years and after I set up a 70 gal reef tank I added it in. Very dense rock, not with a lot of corraline growth like the other rock I have. Remnants of cauliperi that I pick off from tme to time and some thick brownish algae.
Volunteer Pseudocorynactis appeared about a year ago, very small. Mostly white but some rosy tited body with a mouth and clearish 2 rings of tenticles with whitish tips. No shell being built. They will swallow mushed schrimp spread on them and turn into a ball.
???Question, are they bad in a reef tank wih mostly softies, sun polyps,ricordia, goniapora, tube worms, coco worms, schrooms, firefish, clown, clener scrimp, arrow crab and pistol schrimp??? I should be able to pick them off and siphop it out. Or does that rock need o come out (Groan)?
If I ever figure ot how to get pictures on here I will. They are in my computer under IMG (then the number)jpeg.
Thank you, this is a great forum, I really enjoy reading about all the trouble I can get into in the future!

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