Sorry if these have been ID'd before. I tried to look back at the past posts and didn't see the polyp looking things. Sorry for the poor pictures, I'm new to aquarium photography. Thanks in advance!
the first looks like a tiny serpent star. sometimes they stay small, usually called micro stars and come in LS kits or detrivore kits etc... The common micro stars are white so I'm not 100% on yours.
The latter looks alot like a common pesky anemone called Majanos. Theyre prettier than aiptasia's, I think, but from what I've read on them can become as cubersome and annoying as aiptasias.
I've looked at pictures of majanos online and they don't seem to match what I have, but I could be wrong obviously. Majanos don't seem to have a center like the things in my tank. In my tank they are brown tubes w/ a "tentacle-like" ring. The tips are yellow and the center is yellow. At night the "tentacles" retreat back into the tube. Does this shed any light on it?
It's true: when they are closed they look like my yellow polyps. But when they're open they look like my button polyps (this also matches the description of colored centers) . In either case, I think that they are keepers.
If you want to be sure, try to kill one. If it's easy to kill they are keepers . (Make sure they don't re-appear after 2 weeks).
I'm going to say that after further investigation they are in fact yellow polyps (Parazoanthus). I saw some at the LFS and then came home and looked online at pictures and we have a match. Thanks everyone for your help!