I changed-out the sock in my euro-fil 125 sump and found dozens of small, tan/beige wriggly thingies. They ranged from tiny to as large as 5/16 inch long. They were somewhat shrimp-like in appearance. I have an oversized sock and have not pulled it out to wash it in some time, so these guys might have been in there for a while growing.
Imagine my surprise when I looked in and saw the bottom of the sock occupied by these little dudes. I am only 4 months into this reef tank experiment and am really enjoying it. It's pretty pricy to get started, but it's not bad once things are going.
Are these some sort of shrimp or perhaps some other food critter that hitch-hiked into my tank in larval or egg form?
Thanks (in advance) for all your help!
I changed-out the sock in my euro-fil 125 sump and found dozens of small, tan/beige wriggly thingies. They ranged from tiny to as large as 5/16 inch long. They were somewhat shrimp-like in appearance. I have an oversized sock and have not pulled it out to wash it in some time, so these guys might have been in there for a while growing.
Imagine my surprise when I looked in and saw the bottom of the sock occupied by these little dudes. I am only 4 months into this reef tank experiment and am really enjoying it. It's pretty pricy to get started, but it's not bad once things are going.
Are these some sort of shrimp or perhaps some other food critter that hitch-hiked into my tank in larval or egg form?
Thanks (in advance) for all your help!