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Experienced Reefer
Don't know where to begin finding what these corals are. Please help with care instructions as well.

Many thanks.


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Hard to tell with the pics. Second one looks like an anemone, first one I would guess is frogspawn but I would trust that identification too much.

David Mohr is the ID man around here.


Experienced Reefer
Thanks Crissy.

That anemone looking thing is actually a coral. There is a hard rock of a shell behind those tentacles. I will try to disturb it a little so that it retracts it's tentacles. I will take a picture of it again with the tentacles retracted. I just hope I don't disturb it too much.

Any comments David?

Many thanks.


Experienced Reefer
Can you provide some care instructions for these corals? Lighting needs? Food, etc, etc, etc?

Many thanks.


Experienced Reefer
aljndrno":2law7sh8 said:
Can you provide some care instructions for these corals? Lighting needs? Food, etc, etc, etc?

Many thanks.

I did a little research on elegance coral and found them to be hard to keep alive. Although someone had been successful in caring for them by keeping them in low light and low flow. Still looking for feeding instructions.

Many thanks.


Advanced Reefer
1. Torch coral (Euphyllia glabrescens)- with a little red mushroom attached to its skeleton.

2. not sure could be an anemone, or coral.

Both need fairly high light with water flow in the moderate range and both will except food although feeding fish in the tank with them would likely be sufficient. Keep your PH., Alk., Cal. within perams and keep up with water changes they should be fine.


Advanced Reefer
I believe elegance corals used to be quite hardy and then for some unknown reason collectors have been getting sicker and weaker specimens.

Anyways, Torch coral (as well as Hammer, and Frogspawn) is a LPS that enjoys moderate light and moderate flow. The light can easily be a bit higher, especially if you plan for SPS, as long as they are towards the bottom; however, if the coral is really really expanding, it probably is not getting enough light. This group of corals do come from "dirtier", less brisk water conditions than sps; however, this does not mean to skimp on the filtration or flow. However, do not place them directly in front of a strong powerhead, they like random currents, preferably some sort of surge. Torch corals, and its relatives (hammer and frogspawn), are strong stingers and specimins can quickly kill fellow corals due to their long sweeper tenticles. 6" distance is a good rule of thumb. I believe torches and thier kin do not like softies due to space competition. Finally, all of these corals will eat larger pieces of meaty food.

Oh, yeah. Torches, Hammers, and Frogspawn may like to be placed close to other Torches, Hammers, and Frogspawn (not necessarally the same though), but I think Torches don't always react well to that.


Advanced Reefer
I'm still of the opinion that the first is a frogspawn and not a torch. I still think the bottom is an elegance coral too... and NOT an anemone.

As for care of a frogspawn... just moderate light and decent flow. Too much of either and it won't open up all the way...at least thats been my experiance with the one ive had for the last 3 years in my tank. They should receive just enough flow to make the tenticles wave around... but nothing in excess.

The elegance MAY be difficult to keep. As a general rule most ppl set them on the sand substrate and allow moderate flow over them, kida like the frogspawn. They like to be fed a pinch of shrimp about every other week or so.

I have had all 3 ..torch hammer and frog all in VERY close proximity to each other (tenticles touching) with not problem. As a matter of fact they all expanded better when together for some reason. I've had no experiance with any problems caused by them touching.

Good luck with everything!



Experienced Reefer
first one is frogspawn and i have also; likes high light and high flow - not directly!- . on the pic. must be bigger and bigger today.


First is 100% Frogspawn.

Torches have on light spot on their tentacles where as frogspawn have many

I am surprised that no one said hammer for the first pic because of the quality.

The second coral is definetly elegange coral

Do a google search for care sheets and you will be able to get all the info you need.

Lastley it is a good idea to do research of what you want before you put it in your tank. This will save you alot of headache, heartache and money


Experienced Reefer
Just wanted to clarify anyone still thinks the second coral is an elegence coral.


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