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Advanced Reefer
Well I have recieved coral on my live rock in the past but its usually dead. However one piece of dead brain coral has managed to "come back to life" Its pores opened up and there are little polyps coming out and begginning to grow. I already have a Worm Brain coral that is happy. So my new project will be to document its grown, or regrowth along with photo evidence. :)


  • Picture 412.jpg
    Picture 412.jpg
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Cool. Do you know where the rock came from? (Figi, ect?)


Advanced Reefer
THis is fiji rock, thats all I get aside from base rock. If you look closely just above the white part of the coral on the back you can see little polyps about 1.5mm tall. Sorry Im not as good with the digital camera as some people on here. Ahem not to mention any names....Louey, Len, etc. Im not quite sure about the species though and I suppose I wont know until its grown out more. Yesterday I was cleaning the tank and the polyps retracted so I do know for sure they are alive now.


Advanced Reefer
Well as of today 100 percent of the coral is back to life. THe brown polyps when open all the way cover the surface of the coral. There is still no color (other than brown) to the flesh therefore I cannot determine species.


Advanced Reefer
I have a theory. I believe the coral may have ejected its symbiotic algae early in the delivery process because the polyps origionally had no color to them. Then my tank went through a phase of brown diatom bloom for two weeks, this is when the coral gained color and began to open up. Now I am in the green algal bloom phase. I wonder if the coral accepted this brown diatom into the polyps as a means of nutrient uptake. Just a theory.


Advanced Reefer
To me the picture looks like a once dead coral of montipora. I have some of this stuff that has encrusted some of my rock and you literally have to TRY to kill this sps. Hard for me to make out a brain coral from it. THe polyps look like sps to me.



Advanced Reefer
Update. I got a new 150 watt metal halide system and after a day under the halides the polyps turned green. A nice montipora green :wink:

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