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Hello all. I'm a fairly new person around here, but have been lurking for a couple weeks. Great site.

Anyway, I've finally gotten my tank cycled, established and put my first coral in (Green Star Polyps). However, as I'm looking around at all the new little critters and things that are growing I've noticed the below. I apologize for the picture quality, I'm working on how to best photograph my setup.

This is definately spongey like (soft), but I don't know if it is some type of anemone or sponge that has hiked in on my rock and finally happy enough with the water quality to grow. I'm worried that it might be an Aiptasia and am hoping someone can help me ID it before it gets bigger. However, it may be too small for anyone to tell right now (or that my pictures are just too crappy).

Anyway, images away!



Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
it's not aptasia. is this on the top of the rock in the light or kind of in the shady part? my sponges reside on the underside of the rockwork. i don't know what it is, but i'm pretty sure what it isn't. :wink:


Its up on the top of the rock, and gets a lot of light. I guess I'll file it under 'let it grow' for now and hope for the best. When I look at it closely, it looks like tubules are starting to form, but it's hard to tell still.


Advanced Reefer
That looks like a sponge to me. I see those on occation too. Sponges I've had form random tubes that can stick out of the main body quite far. I think that's the water inlet for it's filter feeding.
Honda CD250U


Advanced Reefer
that's a sponge.

if you're unsure just touch it. If it doesn't go anywhere it's a sponge. If it retreats .. its an animal.



SnowManSnow":3ugj5u5b said:
that's a sponge.

if you're unsure just touch it. If it doesn't go anywhere it's a sponge. If it retreats .. its an animal.




Experienced Reefer
Has it moved yet? I have one that looks similar, at first I thought it was a sponge, but one day I saw it moving. I think it's a nudi or something. I believe it's creamy in color with small furry frills on, very soft squeesy to the touch. ID help?

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