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Lorraine Vavra

Active Reefer
When breaking down my 30 gallon, which has been up and running 4 years, I found this smooth 2 inch round beige worm in the crushed coral. It has a pointed rear and an elongated mouth and neck with a little hole in the front. Can I put it in my 70, where everything else went...I have sand in the new tank. Or should he go back into the crushed coral which will be a macro algae growing tank. He looks peaceful? I will try to get my pictures of him on the site. Thanks


Experienced Reefer
Sounds like maybe a peanut worm, a pic would help but do an image search on google and see if you recognize it.

Lorraine Vavra

Active Reefer
Thanks ElMono
It may be a peanut worm, I went and looked up pictures on that. However, the roundness of it did not show the linear striations I saw in the internet picture. Someone else suggested it could be my long lost tube worm that disappeared 6 months ago in that tank. AT any rate, I acclimated him to the new tank overnight and released him today...boy was he happy, did cartwheels right out of my hand. I'll let you know if he grows a feather duster. I wish I could figure out how to put my pictures on here. I have them in both Adobe Photo Album 3 and in "Pictures" by Microsoft Word Office Home. I can email them and print them and put them on a disc but not get them on this website. If you want I will email them to you, if you are curious. Thanks

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