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Lorraine Vavra

Active Reefer
Wandered across this thread while finally IDing the little volunteers in my tank. The rock came out of a 30 gallon I had for years and after I set up a 70 gal reef tank I added it in. Very dense rock, not with a lot of corraline growth like the other rock I have. Remnants of cauliperi that I pick off from tme to time and some thick brownish algae.
Volunteer Pseudocorynactis appeared about a year ago, very small. Mostly white but some rosy tited body with a mouth and clearish 2 rings of tenticles with whitish tips. No shell being built. They will swallow mushed schrimp spread on them and turn into a ball.
???Question, are they bad in a reef tank wih mostly softies, sun polyps,ricordia, goniapora, tube worms, coco worms, schrooms, firefish, clown, clener scrimp, arrow crab and pistol schrimp??? I should be able to pick them off and siphop it out. Or does that rock need o come out (Groan)?
If I ever figure ot how to get pictures on here I will. They are in my computer under IMG (then the number)jpeg.
Thank you, this is a great forum, I really enjoy reading about all the trouble I can get into in the future!


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
i wouldn't worry about the pseudos. i've had them for a long time and they've never amounted to anything dangerous. i just leave mine alone.

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