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Experienced Reefer
alright here are my little creatures. i also have some sort of copepod lookin thing on my glass that i forgot to take a picture of. The first is the thing that I think looks similar to aiptasia, but i'm not really sure if that is what it is. The bottom is what I think may be tube anemone. It is hard to see but the one right in the middle is the easiest (you can see it's clear tentacles against the blue background). If you look to the right of that one you'll see a face on view of another one (it's harder to see and for some reason it cut the pic short so you can only see half of it). These have either spread like crazy over one rock or they are just starting to open up. I don't mind keeping them if they are not "bad" for a reef tank.



Experienced Reefer
the aiptasia is gone. I purchased a peppermint shrimp last week and he had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal because they are all gone! :) The other's I have been advised are Orange Ball Anemones which I am leaving alone for the time being because I think they are cool.

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