F fungia Advanced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Oct 22, 2009 #1 is there any other way to frag chalices, i dont have a bandsaw.
T trido Advanced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Oct 22, 2009 #2 I helped a friend last summer and we used my tile saw. We found it worked just as well to use frag shears.
I helped a friend last summer and we used my tile saw. We found it worked just as well to use frag shears.
A Anonymous Guest Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Oct 23, 2009 #3 Dremel with a cutting wheel... you don't even need to cut completely through it, simply score it then give it a good whack with a hammer + screwdriver. Just make sure you let it heal up before giving it a new home
Dremel with a cutting wheel... you don't even need to cut completely through it, simply score it then give it a good whack with a hammer + screwdriver. Just make sure you let it heal up before giving it a new home
A Anonymous Guest Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Oct 23, 2009 #4 Drop a bit of live rock on it. Worked for me with the large neon green chalice I used to own.