OK so I thought it time to ditch the telescope and start getting a digital reading of my SG.
They are all in the same price range give or take $15.
Which one of these 3 are most popular?
*The Pinpoint salinity monitor seems pretty straight forward but not sure of its accuracy or how often it needs to be calibrated. I am unsure how this reports conductivity, if it diplays SG or not.
*The Hanna seems very handy to stick right into either my display, sump or mixing water. It also measures TDS. This meter reports conductivity but needs to be converted to SG however so that is a small extra step.
*The Miwuakee MA887 from what i read needs less calibration and is more accurate. The drawback is the sample needs to be placed on the dish versus sticking a tester directly into the water. This meter does give SG readings though so that is a plus.
I am looking for some guidance hopefully from someone who has tried 2 or all of these devices. Thanks!
They are all in the same price range give or take $15.
Which one of these 3 are most popular?
*The Pinpoint salinity monitor seems pretty straight forward but not sure of its accuracy or how often it needs to be calibrated. I am unsure how this reports conductivity, if it diplays SG or not.
*The Hanna seems very handy to stick right into either my display, sump or mixing water. It also measures TDS. This meter reports conductivity but needs to be converted to SG however so that is a small extra step.
*The Miwuakee MA887 from what i read needs less calibration and is more accurate. The drawback is the sample needs to be placed on the dish versus sticking a tester directly into the water. This meter does give SG readings though so that is a plus.
I am looking for some guidance hopefully from someone who has tried 2 or all of these devices. Thanks!