Short story, short. Tank is about 3 years old. Everything was fine and doing great. Had a tang that out of nowhere decided he liked nip a my duncan colony. In attempt to remove said tang I had to dam near take every rock out of my tank (placed in tubs with tank water). Anyway shortly after the rockwork being removed and reset I started to have issues with my sand turning green, where as before I had no issue.
Prior to moving the rocks I would do weekly 15% water changes and vac the sand on one side of the tank, the next week I would do the same and vac the other side of the tank. In all I would estimate that Im only reaching 30-40% of the sandbed as the rest is under rock. I would clean my glass ever 5-6 days (hardly noticeable film on glass).
Once sand started to turn green, growth on glass (brown) also exploded, I now have to clean the glass every 1-2 days. I havent changed maintenance schedule, using RODI water, TDS reads 0.0. I also have 40-45 nassarius snails.
This all started on May 28th. When I clean the sand the ugly comes back in 2-3 days. Recently (2 weeks ago) I stopped cleaning the sand to see if it was something that would self regulate and resolve on its own.... no such luck.
Im at a loss and dont know what to attribute this to. All the fish and coral is doing GREAT just the ugly sandbed thats driving me nuts. I have attached a photo that shows what Im talking about as well as my water parameters.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
120 gal display with 30 gal sump
Protein skimmer and GFO reactor
+/- 90 lbs or rock
Temp - 79-80
PH - 8.1-8.3 apex
salinity 35ppm refractometer & apex
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 4-5 ppm
PO4 - 2 ppb hanna
Alkalinity - 9 hanna
Calcium - 430 hanna
Prior to moving the rocks I would do weekly 15% water changes and vac the sand on one side of the tank, the next week I would do the same and vac the other side of the tank. In all I would estimate that Im only reaching 30-40% of the sandbed as the rest is under rock. I would clean my glass ever 5-6 days (hardly noticeable film on glass).
Once sand started to turn green, growth on glass (brown) also exploded, I now have to clean the glass every 1-2 days. I havent changed maintenance schedule, using RODI water, TDS reads 0.0. I also have 40-45 nassarius snails.
This all started on May 28th. When I clean the sand the ugly comes back in 2-3 days. Recently (2 weeks ago) I stopped cleaning the sand to see if it was something that would self regulate and resolve on its own.... no such luck.
Im at a loss and dont know what to attribute this to. All the fish and coral is doing GREAT just the ugly sandbed thats driving me nuts. I have attached a photo that shows what Im talking about as well as my water parameters.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
120 gal display with 30 gal sump
Protein skimmer and GFO reactor
+/- 90 lbs or rock
Temp - 79-80
PH - 8.1-8.3 apex
salinity 35ppm refractometer & apex
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 4-5 ppm
PO4 - 2 ppb hanna
Alkalinity - 9 hanna
Calcium - 430 hanna