First of all, excellent article. It really cleared some things up for me. Of course, in the process it also brought up more questions and generally sent my brain spinning, but that is another topic
I am getting a good general understanding, but want to check my math with my example to see if I have it right. I am trying to get 35 ppt salinity in my tank at 82 degrees. I referred to a table in Dr. Ron's article and notice that at 82 degrees and 35 ppt (actually 34.9), salinity is 1.024. My hydrometer is calibrated for 60 degrees. Using your example I divided 1.024 (I assume this is the SG of NSW at 82) by 1.0259 (sg of seawater at 60 degrees from your article) to get 0.998. So, 1.024 (my target SG for 35 salinity) times 0.998 equals 1.022. According to this, my hydrometer reading should be 1.022 for me to get where I want to be.
Is this correct? If it is, I've been way over for quite awhile and bet many others have as well!
First of all, excellent article. It really cleared some things up for me. Of course, in the process it also brought up more questions and generally sent my brain spinning, but that is another topic
I am getting a good general understanding, but want to check my math with my example to see if I have it right. I am trying to get 35 ppt salinity in my tank at 82 degrees. I referred to a table in Dr. Ron's article and notice that at 82 degrees and 35 ppt (actually 34.9), salinity is 1.024. My hydrometer is calibrated for 60 degrees. Using your example I divided 1.024 (I assume this is the SG of NSW at 82) by 1.0259 (sg of seawater at 60 degrees from your article) to get 0.998. So, 1.024 (my target SG for 35 salinity) times 0.998 equals 1.022. According to this, my hydrometer reading should be 1.022 for me to get where I want to be.
Is this correct? If it is, I've been way over for quite awhile and bet many others have as well!