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That would be a reasonable assumption, however, I would need to do more reading about iodine and algal growth to offer anything further. Are you speaking of micro, or macro-algae?
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This only to say top randy that the iodine article is fantastic.
We need such scientific way to deal with our hobby. I am tired of reading: give two drops of XXXXX , corals will double...

Gooooooood work Randy!

Hope that the Xenia experiments will give us the answer to a question that I am thinking about from a lot of months... "Iodine is really essential?"


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Hi tinycrazycrawler. Glad to see you're here, and I hope you find more to rave about!


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Asuming that we have a lot of macro algae in our refugium or main tank. If we were to trim them, will the iodine leaches into the water from the wound of the macro algae? Will it then be that our tank's iodine level be elevated at that particular moment?

Another question is that, if nothing in our tank consume iodine, how long will the iodine be gone or disintegerated and at what rate?

randy holmes-farley

Advanced Reefer
Arlington, MA
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If we were to trim them, will the iodine leaches into the water from the wound of the macro algae?

I don't know.

Another question is that, if nothing in our tank consume iodine, how long will the iodine be gone or disintegerated and at what rate?

I don't know that one either. If nothing absorbed it, not even bacteria, then I expect it will go to iodate and stay in that form.


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Thanks for your reply Randy.

At what rate will the iodine be consumed from a well stocked reef tank if there is no new addition? Assuming that the food we added does not contains iodine.

In iodate form, can it be used by living things? I suppose so! Right? In that form is it poisonous to living things if not removed?

Thanks again. I always add lugol's solution to my tank but quite scary. My friend complained that too much iodine wiped out his mushrooms!

randy holmes-farley

Advanced Reefer
Arlington, MA
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The iodate form can be used by some organsims, yes.

Experiments that many of us have done in the past suggest that iodide disappears rapidly (gone in a day or two), iodate less rapidly.

I want to repeat these tests along with a review of iodine test kits, but I've had trouble getting them (backordered in one case) or geting them to work right (in another case).

The iodine article discusses toxicity of the different forms.


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Hi! Randy

All of us have been talking about iodine level in macro algae. Any idea regarding the level in Coraline Algae? Since it is also an algae, will iodine addition accelerate its growth?


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