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my name is yossi,and i have700 l reef aquarium.
I have a very big problem, " phosphat " problem...
I will be grateful for any help.

I use ro/di water,a heavy skimmer, a 80 kg of live rock ( fiji)
a 90 kg live sand,tunze 12000 l/h for close loop,and all the equipment that need to run this system.
I do 15% water change every mounth.
I grow monty,acro,and other coral.
the system runing 1.5 years.

the phosphat problem begin when i got from someone media for ca reactor.

I tested the ca level in the aquarium and it was too high = 600 ppm.
I begun to look for the reason,and i found it...

unfortunately, I found too late that the water whos came out froum the ca reactor was full of phosphat... ( about 3 ppm )

I check the water aquarium,and i found it contain 1 ppm, 10 time more than the max allowed.

I have read the article "Phosphorus: Algae’s Best Friend" and i make up a decision to built a refugium.
my refugium contain macro algae ang mangrove,for 1/2 year.
and it dosent help.
the po4 level dont get down;and the hard coral are not growing.

I buy PHOSBAN MEDIA,and the po4 drop to near 0...
suddenly the hard coral begin to grow...
but in the moment that the PHOSBAN MEDIA are complet take what ever it can,the po4 level raise again.
I dont have algae problem,on the contrary i dont have any, and that including carollina algae.

the article were suggesting to remove all the substrate that has experienced very high phosphate levels.
today i beginning to remove the sand.( the first step)

am i going to need to remove allso the live rock?????
what you can suggesting me to do?????
i am at one's witsw end....

thank's a lot.

my tank


my skimmer(diy)




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I will want to post this in the general reef keepers forum.
I think you will get more help there.

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