Once again the E.O. Smith Coral Project will be hosting the Frag Farmer's Market, 2104 edition! It has grown into the biggest swap in New England, drawing people from as far as Pennsylvania and beyond.
I already have a bunch of the old sellers already signed up and a few new ones have already contacted me to get in on the FFM. As usual the event will be at the school and similar to previous years. The raffle gets bigger each year and I will be doing more of the Frag Farmer Gift Certificates as part of the raffle. I'm hoping to do them every 1/2 hour this year! I do have a few other new tricks to make this year better than last. I am looking into expanding into more rooms to make more room for more sellers and spread out the tables we have per room.
I am also looking to get more of our local farmer's to set-up tanks and sell their stuff. The set-up fee is low and the set-up is very informal to make it so that the little guy, or girl, can set up a tank and sell their corals next to some of the bigger stores. The whole idea behind the FFM was to give you guys a chance to sell your stuff no matter how small your set-up is. We had over 500 people come last year, and that was with a blizzard the day before, so I am looking forward to even more this year. If you are interested, shoot me a PM and I can give you details. I'd love to have more of crowd from the city and surrounding area come up. I get quite a few of the NYC crowd up both buying and selling, feel free to ask about the event but I am sure you won't be disappointed.
Lastly, if you guys could do me a favor and SPREAD THE WORD. I don't really advertise the event but rather rely on word of mouth to let people know about it. I'll be posting it in most of the local boards in the next few days and getting word out that way, but feel free to post it anywhere you don't see it. Just check and make sure the club, or group, is cool with you posting the info first.
I'll post updates as we get closer to the date.
Let me know if you have questions-
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