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Tonga Wanga
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So basically they add up there error range plus the error range of whatever kits your testing against , so if there error range is 50 ppm and salifert error range is 50 Ppm , that’s 100 ppm it could be off therefore they close the ticket , game over , oh you paid $600 for this and it’s off 100 ppm oh that’s nice have a nice day! I’m sitting here begging the guy for help as he’s telling me he’s closing the ticket , if my problem persists to open another ticket, my blood is boiling !!!!! Furious!!!


Tonga Wanga
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I test my saliferts kits against fauna Marins multi solution at least once a month and it’s been spot on every time..... more or less I’m just b!txhing that I got a tech support guy that literally offered no help whatsoever , it’s frustrating when they close the ticket and you got nowhere


Tonga Wanga
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Ah yes that person is not doing their job. Have you tried the Facebook group?

What should matter is against a quality reference solution... especially theirs
i havent tried the face book group ill check it out thanks!
i did test there calibration fluid last night which was way off but its over a week later since opening it (past there 8 hour mandatory usage time) alk was within 30 ,cal was off by about 90 and mag was over 100 off using salifert kits , i have B and C still left with roughly 50 percent left , i was thinking about calibrating with my tank water and entering salifert test results just not to waste it and see what happens but i doubt ill do that , ill probably chuck it and just calibrate with a new set of reagents while also testing the new calibration fluid right after opening it


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This is common practice with many aquarium companies. Oh look, buy the latest & greatest! And then its like pulling teeth trying to get support for their products. This is why I still do everything I can either manually or DIY.


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If you are using a new bottle of reagent. make sure to prime all the lines before calibrating.
I test my tank water with hanna results. enter the alk cal and mag into calibration values. it seems to work better


Tonga Wanga
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If you are using a new bottle of reagent. make sure to prime all the lines before calibrating.
I test my tank water with hanna results. enter the alk cal and mag into calibration values. it seems to work better
I just calibrated late last night , I started priming the lines about 2 days before that to ensure a proper calibration, everything seems pretty ok lol the tridents reading calcium about 15 high , salifert 450 trident 465, instead of pulling my hair any further I think I’m gonna deal with that ..... quick question , so your calibrating with your tank water and not the calibration fluid right? If your entering your tanks water parameters from Hanna kits number then I would think it doesn’t make sense to use the calibration solution , but then I get more confused cuz the calibration solution is specifically for that batch of reagents


Tonga Wanga
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Doesn't calibrating with your tank water defeat the purpose of having a supposedly high accuracy high precision equipment? It feels like listening only to what you want to hear basically.
i didnt calibrate with my tank water, i was basically asking the other guy if thats what he was doing.......
i let my lines prime for 2 days with a fresh 6 month batch i just opened before calibrating with its solution which i did last night, i woke up tested against it with salifert again and it was within 15 which i was fine with , i tested again right now and its still 450 with salifert but now my trident is reading 490, my calcium reactor has been off .... it just feels like the trident in consistantly drifting off......if you guys are telling me something and it seems like im not listening , please tell me because im really confused


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Hi, it does look like a precision issue. I have never seen anything that I did not expect with mine.

Have you checked for possible micro bubbles entering the intake? I know Rich Ross (@Thales ) has built something with a tube around the intake to avoid that.

When you calibrate, if instead of running a test with aquarium water you run a test with the remaining calibration solution, do you at least get correct results?


Tonga Wanga
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Hi, it does look like a precision issue. I have never seen anything that I did not expect with mine.

Have you checked for possible micro bubbles entering the intake? I know Rich Ross (@Thales ) has built something with a tube around the intake to avoid that.

When you calibrate, if instead of running a test with aquarium water you run a test with the remaining calibration solution, do you at least get correct results?
Hey , I don’t have the intake line in the skimmers chamber , I have it behind my probes in the fuge , it’s highly unlikely that it’d be microbubbles
After calibrating last night, I didn’t run a test immediately after , I just put the line back in the tank, and then it tested on its own at midnight then again at 6am but it’s funny that you bring that up..... the time I calibrated before this I remember seeing the bottles parameters in my dashboard ...... this time last nights calibration which was for 400 ppm calcium , it didn’t read 400 after calibrating hmmm ....


Tonga Wanga
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I’m sorry it did read 400 last night


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I won’t use tridents result For anything besides just for keeping eye on my tank. As long as the result are close or steady. I am fine with it.
Calibrating with apex solution and tank water is same. It is a set of known alk, cal and mag to tell trident what reagent to calibrate to. I wanted to use Hanna result as base line so trident will show closet result to my hanna. I trust hanna more.
Trident still show a bit off. Alk is 0.1-0-2 higher, cal is 10-20ppm higher. Mag is about 30ppm lower. Compare to my hanna and selifert.
I know my parameter are stable. I run a calcium reactor. The wild swings are from trident. This is reason never to use apex to dose your tank.


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I won’t use tridents result For anything besides just for keeping eye on my tank. As long as the result are close or steady. I am fine with it.
Calibrating with apex solution and tank water is same. It is a set of known alk, cal and mag to tell trident what reagent to calibrate to. I wanted to use Hanna result as base line so trident will show closet result to my hanna. I trust hanna more.
Trident still show a bit off. Alk is 0.1-0-2 higher, cal is 10-20ppm higher. Mag is about 30ppm lower. Compare to my hanna and selifert.
I know my parameter are stable. I run a calcium reactor. The wild swings are from trident. This is reason never to use apex to dose your tank.
How big are the swings for you? Unless you run a different day/night schedule for your calcium reactor, wouldn't the calcium dip a bit during photoperiod when the corals are building up their skeleton?

I do agree with you regarding automatic dosing. Too much of a risk, even if they do program it so that it cannot dose way too much than your normal schedule.


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What’s up bro how do I get in contact with them ? I have a trident but with the trident it keeps saying “no water sample” has this happened to anyone els ? If so how can I fix it?


Tonga Wanga
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Sup, on the fusion dashboard click on your tank or systems name and click contact support to open a ticket , they normally email you back within a day.... that has happened to me once before, I had the wastwline in my tank and the sample line in the waste container lol real smart I know .....besides that if you didn’t make the same dumb mistake I did you really just gotta make sure there are no kinks in the line , if you follow there directions precisely, I use the tab in the fusion folder where it shows you how to setup any of there products , double check your lines , good luck ?

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