I concur. Trident is the only reason I still have a tank. I get sick of constant testing and accuracy has been 90+% spot on. If something happens then I knew or have an idea what likely caused the bad reading so after a year+ with it. I recommend it.
I wouldn't dose based off of it. I dose using a standalone doser, eshopps. Which I adjust accordingly.
I follow the curve instead of hard numbers. If I can make the parameters stable and limit the curves than that's all I care for. Aim for stability not chase numbers.
I do test every 1.5 months with a Hanna to check accuracy and have been spot on each time.
So if you hate testing, you have a mixed reef with thousands of dollars in corals, worth it? 100%
If you don't like trident, reefbot, mastertronics kr alkatronic, KHg, all have a place in the ultimate goal. Stability.