agree with kathyC, keep it away from other corals since they tend to send out their long tentacles and sting. They have a sweeping motion and even stung my arm when my arm was near it.
I have torch coral.It looks peceful. I didn't see any signs trying to sting others corals. Most agressevi in my tank is clown fish female. Always when I put in tank my arm she try to bite me.
I keep mine high up, but not directly under lights with lots of flow, and again not directly at them. As already stated give it room away from other corals. My clown host the elegance.
if it's good size colony and a small clown. i had the reverse and the clown nearly killed the frogspawn, the hammer, and even a fox coral (all were 3-4 heads...small colonies) in just a a little more than a week or two before i was able to find a bta for it.