Use Apex's code to program in your fail safes. I may go this route. Right now I'm running a DIY dual float switch w/dual 5v relays (one for each float switch) in a project box. But I don't like not being able to take advantage of Apex's coding to control/monitor the float switches. I'm just running it with an OSC command to limit ATO pump to 10 minutes max of run time every hour.
Well you won?t need your Apex, but AquaHub makes a nice little kit to build your own ATO. Here is a link to their premium kit: (OOPS! I can't post a link until I get to five posts.....just search Aquahub dot com)
This is what I put on my tank, along with an aqualifter. I like the fact that you have a back-up float for when the primary one goes?.and that has already happened for me.