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I converted the wet/dry to a refugium a few weeks ago and its working great. The only problem is that the opening to the sump area is at the bottom, and Id like to move it to the top of the refugium. Currently there is a small sponge wedged inbetween the sand and the sump area to keep refugium material from free-flowing into the sump.

Here's the existing design:

The sponge isnt just sitting there, its wedged inbetween two slots on the sides of the sump preventing it from moving. The problem is the gap between the sponge and the sump area...too much material (caulerpa pieces, floating sand, et cetera) flows over it and into the pump toward the display tank.

Here's the desired design:

The new acrylic piece will allow for an elevated water level in the refugium, while keeping the miscellaneous water-borne pieces from getting sucked into the sump.

For those of you with this type of design already, can the water from the refugium just overflow into the sump? Isnt that loud (and if so, how to baffle it)? What kind of glue/epoxy can you use to secure the new piece while underwater? Draining the whole thing really isnt an option.



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To use acrylic and glue it the right way, you will have to drain the fuge. Is there anything you can use as a replacement container for the fuge while you glue it?

The regular glue for acrylic is toxic, and you would not want to get it in the water column. Silicon can be used under water, if you use LOTS of carbon, but it doesn't stick to the plastics like it does to glass.

although it doesn't help your origional question, I hope the info helps.



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Hey, that's exactly (the new one) what I have.

I made mine from glass, and yes it HAS to be clean and dry for one DAY.

Anyway, for noise, I find if you have the drop small enough then it doesn't make too much noise. When it get's noisy, that's my signal to add water to the top off tanks.

A smooth flat piece, with the water flowing over it shouldn't be too noise, if it is. Add a slanted piece so the water 'slides' down into the new level. Think of like a 'water ramp'

Anyway, I HATE noise, so I do what I keep to keep my tanks quiet.

Hope it Helps,

David Roman

hop, hop, hop,

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