I made one I could label perfect for my 10 gallon nano and I want to try making a bigger version for my 150. I is a 20"W x 6"D x 18"H custom made fuge that I constructed to look pro. It sits behind the main tank and had a removable mirror in front of it for the nano's background. I have a 28w PC bulb on 24/7. It has 4 baffles, 2 on each side. It is a pump in, overflow out configuration. The first two baffles hold bio-balls in a 2" x 5.5" x 18" chamber. The second baffle is actually three pieces. The water needs to be divided before going into the main chamber because I have a 5" deep plenum on the bottom, with a 2" deep tray suspended over it with just a 1/4" gap all around it for water to rise up around the tray, besides rushing in from the baffles. The tray has miracle mud in it and a few macro algaes growing in it. The last two baffles hold a 2"x6"x3" coarse sponge in between them, as well as leaving an open area for more bioballs or whatever, although I havent made my mind up yet. There are a couple small crabs in the main chamber, some snails, and bristleworms to move around the plenum's sand. I only wish I had a bigger chamber with more light so I could try more species of macro and a bigger plenum.