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Hello all,
I have an empty 58 Oceanic ready to setup as a reef, sans the lights. For those who don't know, I believe the dimensions are 36"x18"x20". I already have 2 CustomSeaLife 36" 96W PC hoods, and once I have the 58 set up, I won't need them anymore. I was planning on using them along with a 175W or 250W MH. A few questions first: should I get a 175W or 250W MH? There isn't much of a price difference, so I figure the 250 should be fine. I want to run a 10,000 K MH with 2 50/50 PC bulbs. Will this give em enough versatility to keep pretty much anything? I have thought about keeping the 2 PC hoods as they are and adding the MH with some type of reflector, but I wasn't sure if the light would blend evenly enough having 3 seperate light sources(reflectors). So I thought about tearing the PCs apart and integrating them in a custom hood with the MH and one reflector. If I do this, how far from the MH bulb should the PC bulbs be(how close can they safely be?)? Has anyone pulled apart a CustomSeaLife reflector? I believe I know how to construct the custom hood to dissapate the heat well enough. If I build this custom hood, what kind of UV shield should I use? Is there UV resistant glass? Prices of glass vs. acrylic? This will all be suspended over the tank. Has anyone used the pulley systems to raise and lower their hoods? Any input would be greatly appreciated.


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:welcome: :D

Your lighting should be such that you can keep most coral. Some high light coral like Acropora may not completely color up as nicely as they would under 400 watt bulbs, but your lighting sounds fine.

I'm using a pulley system to hang my VHO hood over my 30 gal long:


It's hard to see ATM, but it works well for what I need it to. I based mine off of the following link:




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Thanks for the input liquid. The pulley apparatus looks like a huge lifesaver, I'll have to give it a try once my tank is up and running. I was checking out some manufacturer's specs on similar lighting fixtures. Hamilton's 250W MH, 2x96W PC is only 9.5" wide! Thats seems really close to me. I was thinking more along the lines of 14" wide. What does everyone think? Also, what types of fans have you DIYers used. I was looking at some 3" 30cfm fans on ebay that run around 24Db for $0.99! (plus shipping of course). I have 2 old 3" fans from Radio Shack that only push around 13 cfm. I plan on getting new ones anyway, but what type? There's so many! Thanks again.


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What you're thinking sounds fine to me. I'd however advise using fans with a higher CFM rating than what you're planning to use. I had a 4-5/8" 60 CFM fan on my old hood and I couldn't keep up with the heat generated and I was using 1x250 watt Iwasaki + 2x95 watt VHO's.



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How about doubling up on the fans, two on each side? 2 3" 30cfm fans pushing and pulling from either end should be adequate, right? I have a 4" AC fan that pushes around 120cfm, but it's a noisy beast. What happened to your fixture that caused problems? Did the bulbs burn up?

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