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I have been writing a program for monitoring/automating aquariums. My program is almost finished, and I'm at the point that I want other
people to try it out. The program features a scripting language, a modular design that allow others to develop Plugins for it, and a web interface.

It can measure pH, Room Temperature, Hood Temperature, and Aquarium Temperature, Light Levels, Sound Level, Voltage, and Resistance via the DrDaq sensor board. And can control X-10 home automation devices via the Firecracker X-10 Kit.

If anyone is interested, especialy if you own the Firecracker X-10 Kit please give the program a try.

Doctor Aquarium
SeaApple, welcome to RDO!

I checked you website, and unfortunately it does not look like it contain any info useful for the forum. It only got a page with nothing but the name of your product. When you get the website ready for the hobbyists, give me a PM and I will take a look. Thanx, seven ephors .


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Commercial post. Mods, please kill it.

And also, welcome to RDO.



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I'm sorry, I had a problem with a domain name redirect not workling properly on the web site. It's fixed now, and you should be able to download the program. I'm releasing it as shareware.

Doctor Aquarium


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More info, but it does not contain much info related to DIY. In particular, how can I use it with a custom DAQ board? One of my computers, for example, does not have any serial/ppl port other than USB. My other computer only have a 9600 baud RS232 port. Any work around for these two issues?

Furthermore, can one download the shareware as a zip file instead of an .exe? Where can the example plugin be found?


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You can use the program with a custom DAQ board, by modifying the example plugin. The example plugin is now an install option when you install the Doctor Aquarium program. The Example plugin is meant to be an easy starting point for developing a new plugin. It is provided with Delphi source code, and the idea is that you can modify it to support other boards or features. The help file for the plugin explains what you need to change. It should also be possible to write a plugin in other languages, since the plugin interface is in COM. The plugin interface is open, and there are no restrictions on how you distribute a plugin you develop. Also, I can release source to some of the plugins I wrote, if there is interest.

The DrDAQ board can be connected to a USB port through a converted sold separately by DrDaq.com, but it's some what expensive, and I never tried it. I use a printer port. As an alternative, I was also thinking about writing a plugin for the LabJack board, which interfaces through USB.

I will make a zip file download available on the 'software' page today. And I’m also working on ‘developer page’ with more technical DIY information, as I really want other developers to be involved.



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Not a COM programmer, but most of my DAQ applications I wrote are such that I tried to stay away from USB as much as possible. Even the parallel port is a slight challenge nowadays with the newer OS. Life was easier back in the DOS days.

People like you makes me feel old.


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Is the DAQ board something you made your self? Maybe it comes with drivers that would make it easy to adapt.



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No, I don't usually make my own DAQ board.

For this hobby, I think most use external boards that does not use software driver. Is that your observation too?

I am looking for a RS232 DAQ board (obviously, it is not going to be a fast board) to play around that cost less than $100. Any recommandation?


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Yes, I think I can make use of it to drive 8 relays with the DIOs.

$50 is still a bit expensive, since I don't care about the size. I was thinking at least 16 or 32 channels with that kind of money, but I can be a bit unrealistics at times.

The main issue is I don't use LabView. It will work out well if the manufactorer give me the RS232 protocol/message so that I can control it directly from my application. Alternative is to install the LV and monitor the serial port for the message, but I hate to do that.

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