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ok, im 16 and my envirmental teacher has a project that we have to make a 2000 gallon salt water equarem run and im in charge of the pumping system and layout of the tank, and i have no idea what i am doing. i would love it if i could get a little help. any thing with different pumps and the way they work and the possible layouts for them. and by pumps i mean every pipe, filter, jet, whatever is used in a salt water tank. the project has to do with crola reefs and the animals that inhabbit them. thank you very much for your time and i would love for any returns to this message.


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Interesting project. Not to shoot you down, but that is going to cost around $100,000 to do.

For the piping I would look at using a swimming pool pump. They move a lot of water and are not all that expensive.


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Wazzel I think his looking for more specific info. Maybe stuff like flow rate for 2000 gallon aquarium, which should be about 20,000 to 40,000 gallon per hour depending on what type of inhabitants your classmates decide on keeping. Heero if you give us deminsions of tank we could also give more specific info. 2,000 gallons would be a huge tank. 8 feet by 8 feet by 4 feet tall for example!! 8O


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I know, but that is an extreemly expensive project for a Jr class is high school.


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Maybe it's a hypothetical thing or something, we'll have to wait until he get's of class. Hey Wazzel how far from Houston are you?

Fatal Morgana

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As long as the student does not pay for the equipement, I don't see any issue. This can be done with donated equipment, or the teacher can be very resourceful.

I suggest you tell us more about the tank, the intended critters that going to be in here, and make sure you go over some of the resources here in reefs.org, such as the archive and some of the guides and articles.


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yah, its not a realy tank, soory. its just a project because my teacher just got a salte water tank and he is only growning alge. so this is a kind of help thing for him to read and we get a grade. but so thats its a school project he had to go with a 2000 gallan tank and i will have to ask him about the other diamiters. but thanx for the replys, i realy appreciate it. and i will check back on here before school on monday and if there is anything eles i may need to know or you may need to know, write it and i will take it with me.


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Well as right now I thing the best thing we can do for you Hero is right a list of questions you need to ask in order to get a better idea of what the plans for this tanks are.

Borders book store usually has a couple of better books on Saltwater aquariums look here for titles

Also stop by the DIY forum and read a few articles

Here is my "short" list for you to get answers to

1. Are going to be running a sump, a seperate tank that help "filters" and hides equipment?

2. Do you want a refugium? usually in-line with a sump, it a small tank or divided area that has a rather deep sand bed where "pods" and other creatures can survive with out being eaten. Help provide addditional filtation.

3. How many overflow drains are you planning on? 2000g I would thing 2-3inch would be nice :P . Correct me if I'm wrong fellas

4. How much space do you have for additional equipment? And how far away both (vertically and horizontally) with that equipment be from the main display tank?

5. Will you want to run a calcium reactor? ( this helps corals by providing additional calcium to the water.

6. Will you be treating tap water? Or better yet running a Reverse Osmosis with Deionizer (RO/DI)? And will this automatically top-off the tank to replace the water that has evaporated or will it be done manually each day?

7. Are you interested in closed loop systems plumbed in that will provide extra water movement in the tank? Or do smaller, "power head" pumps in (and visible) the main tank seem better?

8. Do you want something like a wave machine on the tank to help circulate water?

Okay I know this seems like a lot to think about but we need to know how much equipment you teacher is wanting you to cover in this project?

Best of luck


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thnax very much. i have no idea what you just said but my teacher should so i printed the forum out and im going to show him. as soon as i find out, monday morning, i will write it all here for you all to see and if you would, help me some more. thnk you very much.


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Don't worry about figuring out what we're saying just yet, we'll explain it a little later. Try and get some answers so we can focus on the details that will apply for you and not oerwelm you with BS that does matter


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sorry for being late. alright, its any size we ont but it has to hold 2000g. so i was thinking about a pump that are used in the realy big swiming pools. in the tank we are going to house:
bluefin Angelfish,
Flame angelfish,
bicolor angelfish,
two banded clownfish,
ocellaris clownfish,
true percula clownfish,
blue linckia star fish,
and double sea star fish.

thats all the different fish but the coral and anemone are
cabbage leather coral,
cauliflower coral,
devils hand coral,
pipe organ coral,
blue acropora coral,
cauliflower colt coral,
blue ridge coral, green lace gorgonia,
starburst polyp,
long tentacle anemone,
and blue carpet anemone.

we are also going to house some clams and shrimp which are:
blue maxima clam,
flame scallop,
elecric flame scallop,
scarlet skunk shrimp,
yellow banded coral shrimp,
paper bubble shell snail,
and chest nut cowrie snail.

so if any one knows any thing on the pumping and tubing and any thing else then please talk to me. thank you very much.


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One thing you might consider is partitioning the tank into sections. Like a lagonal section with lotsa plant life and lagoonal type livestocks. The other end a reef section, and a transition section between the two.

I am sure you environmental teacher would be much impressed if you managed to get the system self substaining without the need for massive filtration. By using the same plant life used to cleanup industrial waste sites.


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Hi Heero!

I have a 8 foot square Lagoonal Reef that might just mimic what your teacher is discussing. Attached is a picture.

A 2000 gal setup similar would either be 2 foot taller or 3 foot more length on each side.

I have 2 large surge devices and all plumbing worked out pretty good.

I have Hammer Coral, Montipora, Duncanospammia, Anemone, etc. along with Anthias, Pteropogon, and A. Ocellaris as fish. A huge variety of inverts as well.


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