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This is my current plan, recently I ordered a Bubble Magus skimmer (a cheap knock off skimmer from Hong Kong) that basically copied the design of bubble masters and bubble king skimmers.

Here is the reefcentral thread on them and there getting pretty good reviews and overall have a good design.

My thought is purchase this skimmer

and change the pump to a psk 2500 sicce (the one bubble master uses)

here is a link to it in action with original pump and it looks decent

So I found this skimmer online for 109$ combined with the pump which is expensive at 140$ making a total of $250 and in my estimation will be comparable with a bubble master which goes for $500 (I own one so this is a just comparison, hopefully) so the same pump and beyond the pump and venturi line the actual body of the bubble master is fairly basic, so I look forward to seeing the results and will post pics of the experiment and comparison to the bubble master I have currently running.
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A problem that can happen is the skimmer may arrive broken, this is something that happened when a number of members here purchased a bunch of Bubble King Knock-offs. It costs a lot of money to ship them back.

This definitly one of my concerns, but according to one member on reefcentral who describes the skimmer in detail in the later threads that its actually fairly solid and not that flimsy, but it is shipped in a cheap package.

Another good thing is I found a distributor in brooklyn so I could always drive to him with broken product


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As I said I found a distributor from brooklyn online (have info if anyone needs). MSX are always out of stock and this could possibly be an alternitive to MSX (hard to get), Bubble master (overpriced, when essentially the pump and good open venturi are the only real novel parts).

This combination would be roughly $20 cheaper than the MSX and 50% cheaper than the bubble master.


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My only hope is that its made solid and the gate valve works, besides that I feel the power is in the pump and the venturi. It should be in tommorow. I am going to use my sicce pump from my Bubble Master to check to see what kind of difference it makes, if its a huge one, im going to buy it and put it on, if not im going to switch it with the viaAqua pump the way the guy did in the thread. This would bring down cost dramatically but if performance is hindered as well I will stick with the sicce for 140
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This plan might be halted. I just got an email message for paypal saying now I have to pay an additional $68, when I checked out it just stated 109. Usually when you go to checkout it gives you your total and it did, and said 109 and it was coming from brooklyn, now 24 hrs. later its coming from Hong Kong and an additional $68.

Im not sure whats going on


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Long Island
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to bad was looking forward to seeing the outcome. The pics on Reefscience.com look good with the standard pump. I am with you I think the fun in the hobby is experimenting!

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