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Crazy Pico guy
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been looking online for some DIY sumps & wet/dry's, refugiums.

but none of them seem "good enough" or there really isnt enough information availible on how to build it.

is it that simple? or am i just hoping for a overly complicated solution.

FWIW the tank i want to start is a 30g fowlr with a 30sump. wet dry.

i know it's a tiny tank & a big sump..... but big is better.


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melevs reef has a bunch of sumps and details on how to build one. ITs not hard to put together acrylic boxes but most of the time the cost and time involved isn;t worth the trouble. Acrylic costs jumped 35% also in the past year, i payed 210 or so about a year ago for some 3/8 acrylic and had to get more a week or two ago and it cost me over 300$ for a sheet. 1/4" isn't much cheaper and thats the low end thickness you want for a 30g sump. You can buy precut pieces from canal plastics but it will run you about the same as a whole sheet anyways.

You do have to understand water flow mechanics, have the tools to cut and finish off acrylic (ie table saw, blade for acrylic type material, router, sandpaper ect.) plus know which glues to use. Be able to pick an acrylic thickness for the size ect.

Its not hard but its not too overly complicated either. But its cheaper to go through someone to get it made or buy one online thats close enough to what your looking for.

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