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Advanced Reefer
Bloomfield, NJ
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I have been using the reef octopus bh90 as hob skimmer and was thinking of changing to bigger tank with sump. I tried lowering water level in my display and using vinyl tubing on inlet to make it draw water from a lower level but it didn't work.

Any tips or thoughts?

Thx for ur help


Advanced Reefer
Bloomfield, NJ
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yes i primed it manually by filling from the top. But i could see water not going up the vinyl braided tube that i attached. But even if pump is submersible it is still the same head height for the pump to draw water, do i need to make serious modifications? not a handy man really lol
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Put the skimmer down on a flat surface. Measure up to where the water level would be if it was hanging on your tank. That should be the level of water it sits in inside the sump. If the water is too high you could put something under it to lift it. If the water is too low and there's no way to make it higher it no worky.
With most skimmers if you can get to within half to an inch of where it's supposed to function, you can adjust with the valve and get it to work. If it's more than that you can try mods but your skimmer will likely not work well.
Or you could put a container inside the sump that the tank's overflow goes into, that your skimmer can hang on
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As long as you can adjust the water level in that separate compartment into the range you need, and/or lift the skimmer into the range you need, yup
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yup, makes sense. That's why i was thinking to tweak the height of the skimmer to get the level inside the skimmer to produce good skimmate. Probably have to pick up the skimmer a touch, even with valve wide open.

Would get a few pieces of glass, and make the first section from tank overflow where skimmer is. So skimmer has a chance at dirtiest water. Then second section for fuge. Than last section for return pump. Would also make a bubble trap before return pump that can fit a piece of foam to keep macros out of display and return pump.
my .02

If you were to leave intake tube as is, What's the measurement from the bottom of the skimmer to water surface if hanging as should be?
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Advanced Reefer
Bloomfield, NJ
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yup, makes sense. That's why i was thinking to tweak the height of the skimmer to get the level inside the skimmer to produce good skimmate. Probably have to pick up the skimmer a touch, even with valve wide open.

Would get a few pieces of glass, and make the first section from tank overflow where skimmer is. So skimmer has a chance at dirtiest water. Then second section for fuge. Than last section for return pump. Would also make a bubble trap before return pump that can fit a piece of foam to keep macros out of display and return pump.
my .02

If you were to leave intake tube as is, What's the measurement from the bottom of the skimmer to water surface if hanging as should be?

If left as in intake tube is like 4" from hanging arm. From bottom of pump to inlet is like 8" hope this helps

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