I agree Louis that it is important for hobbyists to breed their fish.
For me, I want to breed Mandarins because I know it can be done in captivity.
For some fish, it takes massive resources to unlock the secrets of both:
A) getting the fish to sense the right conditions to breed in the first place
B) be able to raise the young to any kind of decent, healthy size
Waikiki Aquarium is having some luck with research, but they are full time marine biologists.
I'm a guy who is eco-concious and wants to minimize the carnage of depleting reefs of their living jewels.
Problem is, I am new to it and struggle. A lot. I just put too much krill into my 135 and this morning I woke up to find my tangs dead.
I feel like an idiot.
I respect the challenge you offer and am literally building my tank for the purpose of breending Mandarins. I have a refugium, sump, 135 gallon tank, and am avoiding fish which deplete 'pods (unfortunately most do) as well as not buying crustaceans (opportunistic feeders).
I appreciate the encouragement. Someday when I'm not struggling as much and know a whole lot more, perhaps I'll try to breed Anthias or Wrasses.
Until then I have to try to get over losses like my beloved tangs and keep pushing my tank forward until the system is stable and rich enough with 'pods to support a mama and papa Mandarin.
Good thoughts
Louis. Much appreciated that you replied. [/b]