I have 3 cleaner shrimp in my 60 gallon reef tank which is intigrated with another 90 gallon and 2 40 gallon sumps. I have noticed recently that one of the larger shrimp is carrying a green egg mass under her abdomen. I would like to try insure that there is a maximum survival rate in the babies...do you have any suggestions as to how to accomplish this? My 60 gallon like I said is a reef tank with a Mandarine Goby , 6 Line Wrasse, Lawnmower Goby, Yellow Tang, and a Potters Angle...and my 90 gallon which also is a refugium has a Percula Clown, juvinile Koran Angle, and a small Lawnmower goby. The whole system is also protine skimmed.Any help would be greatly appreciated!Thank you in advance!