Has anyone tried OSI american BP as a partial rotifers substitute for clowns ?? I saw some researches that indicated that lysmata shimp larvae had better growth when fed both rotifers and american bp.
I got a bottle of the bio-plankton because my lfs didn't have the Reeds Clam and Coral I favor.
I'm propping corals btw so I use a LOT of food.
The spritzer top was annoying but once I broke that off I found the bottle only half full. Never again. I've tried most of the commercial multi-micro algae products and this was a poor value.
I also look for as many different micron sizes of food as possible in the same bottle and Reeds is better that way too. Did I mention Reeds is less than half the price AFTER shipping!
I am not connected to Reeds and I think DT's are good too but I spend a lot of money on micro-algae and so value is critical
I'm only getting started in the clown breeding thing now but rotifers are only as good as what you gut pack them with prior to using them as food.
The difference between BP and a BP packed rotifer is mainly that the rotifer moves. -Jim
I want to amend my previous post.
I was accidentally sold a sample bottle of Bioplankton as a regular bottle.
This was truly an honest mistake and has since been corrected.
I will try Bio-plankton again and I hear that they now have a pavlova/rotifer based food which I'm looking forward to trying.
My apologies to Bioplankton.
Thanks-Jim Adelberg