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So I added a Domino Damsel and a 6 six line to my 29g Biocube which was already home to 2 clown fish and a Yellowtail Damsel, oh and an Enginner Goby...

Anyway long story short the Domino is beating the Yellow of the Yellowtail. Literally, he's taken a few piece off it's tail off already so he has to go.
I'll be picking up a 75 gallon in a few weeks and hopefully it will be better with more room in the tank but I'm afraid the Yellowtail won't make it. I've moved the aquascape around to give him more room to hide and separate the 2 but the Domino is just a bully. He won't even let the yellowtail near the rock work.
Poor guy just stays in the top corners of the tank.

Does anyone want the Domino or Yellowtail? Even if you don't want 'em maybe you can just house one for me until the end of the month...let me know


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The yellow tail came with the tank and the Domino was a gift.
Ive heard 6 lines are aggressive as well but this one seems to be cool. I need to get em out but I feel bad, the yellow tail is an OG fish. Been with me since day one

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The yellow tail came with the tank and the Domino was a gift.
Ive heard 6 lines are aggressive as well but this one seems to be cool. I need to get em out but I feel bad, the yellow tail is an OG fish. Been with me since day one

Sent from my HTCONE using Reefs

ask whoever gave you the domino:
"why did you gave me that fish?" :rolleyes:


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I no longer keep damsels in my tank
damsels are tagged as "the evil evil evil fish" :sgrin:
Oh please anything people don't understand they call it the devil. Devil algae now it's devil fish. What will it be tomorrow? I love damsels,i always have in my tanks.
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Petsmart agreed to take the Domino back but I had no time to do that yesterday after trying to catch him for almost an hour. so i took him to my LPS who is holding him for me.

Any suggestions as to what I should replace him with?
I may end up taking out the 6 line if it starts to be aggressive as well.

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