Sorry, I have no side on pic. The fish came in, I snapped a couple of pics in the acclimation tub and told the guys not to sell it before I came back from lunch so that I could put it in a cube and take more pictures. I came back from lunch and they had already sold it right out of the acclimation tub. No more pictures for me. I really need to learn more spanish.
With that blunt sloping forehead it looks like a juvenile orange shoulder tang.
And an incredible one at that.
Que pendejo!
The next time tell em this; "Oje vatos. No lo vendes hasta que regresso del lunche por favor."
That'll do it.
Now, another lifetime has to pass before you see another one again!
Wish i was a cherry picker , Dave sends me all the left overs .... :lol:
No seriosly now, im not....wish I had this tang, saw a crazy Acanthurus nigricauda not too long ago, but was a 10" specimen and sold out.
Im always late.
Wasn't this wholesaler. This fish went out for a bunch less than that. Didn't even make 3 figures with the discount involved. Now that I know better I will make up for it with the next one I get in 20 - 30 years! This particular fish had a very cool presence to it. It was much more interesting than the xanthic yellow tangs that show up time to time from Hawaii. For some reason this one was a stunner "in the flesh" so to speak. If it would have still been here after my ill timed lunch break the price would have been somewhat higher I am sure.