Can I add live brine shrimp to my tank as food for my clowns, shrimp, crabs, corals, anemone?
I would of course not feed anything else for a day or two.
I purchased a hatchery (Small black circle, w/ scoop cup)
I will place eggs into dish w/ water, cover, 2 days later they hatch, then I transfer.
If it works well, ill start a thread about the product.
Can I add live brine shrimp to my tank as food for my clowns, shrimp, crabs, corals, anemone?
I would of course not feed anything else for a day or two.
Why would you not feed anything else for a day or two????
I feed my fish newly hatched brine shrimp a few times a week but it is not something you want your fish to rely on for nutrition. I give it simply because they love to chase after the shrimp. Your fish need a well balanced diet for them to last a long time.
Live brine shrimp is also good for getting a new fish to start eating.
My fish go CRAZY when I feed them live brine shrimp. The other thing you can do to give them more nutrition is to soak the brine shrimp with selcon before you feed. But I agree - no need to stop feeding other things.