in this thread: http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=70232
A poster did not realize cyano bacteria can fix nitrogen from air as opposed to plant life using ammonia/nitrates.
A google search for "cyano nitrogen" produced these references:
http://www.cns.uni.edu/LakeStudy/cyano_ ... cteria.htm
And many more.
This was one of those OMG moments for me after years of having various slimes build up just when I thought tanks were doing so well.
My current thinking is that as the "cycle" completes and nitrates finally go to 0, the cyano are still there awaiting a chance.
with plant life becoming nitrogen limited the cyano has no such limitation. with slower plant growth phosphates and other nutrients for the cyano are increasing. As well as slower co2 consmption (higher co2).
So you get a low nitrogen, higher phosphates, higher co2 environment and the cyano takes its nitrogen from gas and blooms.
Which also may explain why cyano in salt show up on substraits and rocks where nitrogen gas is being created by anaerobic bacteria.
So to fight it, increase the oxygen, decrease the co2 (circulation), and get the plant life growing again. Add nitrogen, add bioload (fish), harvest plants or macros. But get the plant life growing again to consume the nutrients and co2 the cyano needs.
If the quote above is correct that cyano results in nitrogen gas to ammonia/nitrate, then DSB operations may have real problems. Obvously, it is not a very stable operation to have nitrates to n2(gass) to ammonia all at the substrait. Unless you break up that cycle, the effectivness of the sand be should deteriorate. As the sand bed becomes autotrophic (big word from above) it is less able to process the nitrogen from the tank. Sure sounds like old tank problems to me.
A poster did not realize cyano bacteria can fix nitrogen from air as opposed to plant life using ammonia/nitrates.
A google search for "cyano nitrogen" produced these references:
http://www.cns.uni.edu/LakeStudy/cyano_ ... cteria.htm
One of the earliest types of bacteria are the cyanobacteria. Fossil evidence indicates that these bacteria existed approximately 3.3 billion years ago and were the first oxygen producing evolving phototropic organisms. They are responsible for the initial conversion of the earth’s atmosphere from an anoxic (state without oxygen) to an oxic (with oxygen) state. Being the first to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis, they were able to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen playing a major role in oxygenating the atmosphere.
The autotrophic (auto = "self" tropho = "nourishment", Greek) cyanobacteria were once classified as "blue green algae" because of their superficial resemblance to eukaryotic green algae. Although both groups are photosynthetic, they are only distantly related: cyanobacteria lack internal organelles, a discrete nucleus and the histone proteins associated with eukaryotic chromosomes. Like all eubacteria, their cell walls contain peptidoglycan.
Studies of metabolic similarities and ribosomal RNA sequence suggest that cyanobacteria form a good, monophyletic taxon. Because motile species of cyanobacteria utilize the same mysterious gliding locomotion as the gram-negative gliding bacteria, some microbiologists suggest that cyanobacteria should be classified together as a subgroup of gliding bacteria.
Although they are truly prokaryotic, cyanobacteria have an elaborate and highly organized system of internal membranes which function in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll a and several accessory pigments (phycoerythrin and phycocyanin) are embedded in these photosynthetic lamellae, the analogs of the eukaryotic thylakoid membranes. The photosynthetic pigments impart a rainbow of possible colors: yellow, red, violet, green, deep blue and blue-green cyanobacteria are known.
Cyanobacteria may be single-celled or colonial. Depending upon the species and environmental conditions, colonies may form filaments, sheets or even hollow balls. Some filamentous colonies show the ability to differentiate into three different cell types. Vegetative cells are the normal, photosynthetic cells formed under favorable growing conditions. Climate-resistant spores may form when environmental conditions become harsh. A third type of cell, a thick-walled heterocyst, contains the enzyme nitrogenase, vital for nitrogen fixation.
Heterocyst-forming species are able to "fix" nitrogen gas, which cannot be absorbed by plants, into ammonia (NH3), nitrites(NO2) or nitrates (NO3), which can be absorbed by plants and converted to protein and nucleic acids. The rice paddies of Asia, which feed about 75% of the world's human population, could not do so were it not for healthy populations of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in the rice paddy waters.
Found in almost every conceivable habitat, from oceans to fresh water to bare rock to soil, cyanobacteria produce the compounds responsible for "earthy" odors we detect in soil and some bodies of water (such as those being cyanobacterially cleaned at water treatment plants). The greenish slime on the side of your damp flower pot, the wall of your house or the trunk of that big tree is more likely to be cyanobacteria than anything else. Cyanobacteria have even been found on the fur of polar bears, to which they impart a greenish tinge!
And many more.
This was one of those OMG moments for me after years of having various slimes build up just when I thought tanks were doing so well.
My current thinking is that as the "cycle" completes and nitrates finally go to 0, the cyano are still there awaiting a chance.
with plant life becoming nitrogen limited the cyano has no such limitation. with slower plant growth phosphates and other nutrients for the cyano are increasing. As well as slower co2 consmption (higher co2).
So you get a low nitrogen, higher phosphates, higher co2 environment and the cyano takes its nitrogen from gas and blooms.
Which also may explain why cyano in salt show up on substraits and rocks where nitrogen gas is being created by anaerobic bacteria.
So to fight it, increase the oxygen, decrease the co2 (circulation), and get the plant life growing again. Add nitrogen, add bioload (fish), harvest plants or macros. But get the plant life growing again to consume the nutrients and co2 the cyano needs.
If the quote above is correct that cyano results in nitrogen gas to ammonia/nitrate, then DSB operations may have real problems. Obvously, it is not a very stable operation to have nitrates to n2(gass) to ammonia all at the substrait. Unless you break up that cycle, the effectivness of the sand be should deteriorate. As the sand bed becomes autotrophic (big word from above) it is less able to process the nitrogen from the tank. Sure sounds like old tank problems to me.